Monday, February 23, 2009

1 day-5 perspectives: Tom Rose

Rose Scheidt says goodbye temporarily to Viker, 7-year-old Beagle/Jack Russel, before she steps out of the vet hospital so she won't have to hear his cries while he gets his nails clipped.

Tom Rose prepares to listen to Viker's heartbeat while his assistant Diane helps comfort the anxious dog.

In-between clients, house calls, and meetings, Tom takes time for a 10 minute interview with a local broadcast station about the school board meeting later on that day and their decision regarding the school board candidates.

Tom prepares a syringe with routine vaccinations for a cat.

Tom writes his comments after seeing Charmin, a 3-month-old German Shepherd, who found her way into some rat poison.

Tom Rose has been a veterinarian at Rolling Hills Animal Hospital for 21 years in Columbia. Rose partners in managing the two Rolling Hills locations. He runs the smaller of the two. In addition to running the hospital, Rose is also a member of the school board. I followed him for one afternoon, in which he saw 5 clients at the hospital, made a house call to give antibiotics to a cat, attended a rotary club meeting, and a school board meeting. He considered that day to be less chaotic.

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